Market Cap: $2.68T | Total Value Locked: $100.6B | Dominance: BTC 51% ETH 17%

Keep an Eye on DeFi - Issue 1

Your biweekly report of the money flow and
the most popular content from the community
on Decentralized Finance

Raises πŸ’Έ

Name Date Raised Investors
Mountain Protocol USD 06.06.24 $7.5m Multicoin, Coinbase
Sandbox 06.06.24 $20m Animoca
Nubit 05.06.24 $8m Polychain, dao5
GoPlus 05.06.24 $10m Animoca, HashKey
Fhenix 04.06.24 $15m Hack VC, dao5
Neynar 30.05.24 $11m a16z, Coinbase
Babylon 30.05.24 $70m Paradigm, Hack VC
Farcaster 21.05.24 $150m Paradigm, a16z

Hacks πŸ₯·

Name Date Lost Chains
Velocore 02.06.24 $6.7m Linea, zkSync Era
DMM Bitcoin 31.05.24 $305m Bitcoin

Curated From The Community πŸ‘€

To LBP or not to LBP?

πŸŽ™οΈ Hyphin


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